Strategies By Management Consultant
Strategy is about a rational plan to perform better within competitors and to achieve goals so company can grow.
Being a management consultant, I will follow mentioned below strategies in the company, these are:
1. To upgrade Bargaining position:
I will approach actions and plans to strengthen company's position to better bargain with vendors and distributors and other functions of the firm.
2. To improve sales and market shares:
Must take initiative to enhance key performance in sales and marketing shares, more attractive designs, advance quality and better customer support services, high quality and check and balance of product selection.
3. To provide lower cost:
By providing lower cost in sales and market shares, firm can grow better. As lower price based strategy works better to improve firm's growth.
4. To initiate new product and development:
Should take actions to enter in new market and to improve or exit the existing market by implementing new strategies.
5. To gain market opportunities:
Should defend against all the threats from external sources and approaching new and advanced market opportunities in business. These actions build strong market position in market.
6. Acquisition with other companies:
By merging or acquire other advanced and well-developed companies we can establish company stronger and it also have improved sales and market shares in the market.
7. To develop partnership:
Alliances in rational ways with well-developed companies and their shares can help grow company better.
8. To involve in technical matters:
By taking actions in involving company's technical matters, we can gain competitiveness in market. By involving in R&D department, production team, marketing and sales team, and other functional areas of company we will have strong follow ups and better communication with the internal department and this can also improves company policy.
9. To upgrade resources:
To take actions to improve resources by management skills and improve the outsourcing strategies.
By Kahkshan Asif ☺
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